Fundur verður haldinn í félaginu miðvikudaginn 25. janúar í stofu VR-157 í VR-II við Hjarðarhaga. Að venju hefst fundurinn með kaffidrykkju kl 16:45, en kl 17:00 heldur Örn Arnarson, doktorsnemi við University of Minnesota í Bandaríkjunum fyrirlestur sem hann gefur yfirskriftina: Titans of symmetry, Sophus Lie and Elie Cartan.
Abstract: Sophus Lie discovered the groups bearing his name and, later, Elie Cartan provided them with mathematical rigor. Today Lie-groups permeate most of mathematics and physics. We survey Lie's and Cartan's approach to geometry based on symmetry and see how some of their fundamental contributions to mathematics can be combined in a powerful modern construction called the equivariant moving frame, discovered by Olver and Fels in 1997.
Speaker: Örn Arnaldsson is a PhD student working with Peter Olver at the University of Minnesota.