Fundur verður haldinn í félaginu miðvikudaginn 29. mars í stofu VR-157 í VR-II við Hjarðarhaga. Að venju hefst fundurinn með kaffidrykkju kl 16:45, en kl 17:00 heldur Jón Karl Sigurðsson, stærðfræðingur og nýdoktor hjá Kvikna fyrirlestur sem hann nefnir Continuum and Coarse-Grained Modeling of Lipid Bilayer Membranes
Abstract: Many proteins through their geometry and specific interactions with lipids induce changes in local membrane material properties. To study such phenomena we introduce a hybrid continuum-particle description for the membrane-protein system that incorporates protein interactions, hydrodynamic coupling, and thermal fluctuations. We investigate how collective protein effects influence membrane mechanical properties. We discuss interesting numerical aspects that are required to obtain good translation invariance. Finally, we discuss a coarse grained model that incorporates important hydrodynamics.
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