Fundur verður haldinn í félaginu fimmtudaginn 22. nóvember í VR-II við Hjarðarhaga (stofa enn óákvörðuð). Að venju hefst fundurinn með kaffidrykkju kl 16:45, en kl 17:00 heldur Anders Claesson fyrirlesturinn
An introduction to combinatorial species
Ágrip: Joyal's theory of combinatorial species makes precise the informal notion of a labeled combinatorial structure. It can be seen as the foundations of enumerative combinatorics. In this presentation I will introduce you to this fascinating topic as well as some basic problems in enumerative combinatorics. In particular, I will give an
unusual solution to the hat-check problem, and a proof from The Book (as Erdős might have said) of Cayley's formula for the number of trees on an n-element set.
Verið öll hjartanlega velkomin!