Fundurinn hefst með veitingum að hefðbundnum hætti frá kl. 16:45.
Að þeim loknum, eða klukkan 17:15, flytur Michael S. Keane prófessor við Wesleyan Háskóla í Bandaríkjunum erindi sem hann nefnir: The essence of the law of large numbers.
The law of large numbers, not really a law but a mathematical theorem, is at the same time a justification for application of statistics and an essential tool for the mathematical theory of probability. As such, it must be taught to many students. The traditional method for this, using independent and identically distributed random variables, was developed by Kolmogorov in the 1930's, and explains well what happens, and much more, at this level of generality. However, it has recently come to light that the reason for the validity of this theorem in its general setting, that of stationarity, is much simpler than was first thought. In this lecture I shall try to explain to a general audience towards whom it is directed, the essence of the law of large numbers.
Michael S. Keane lauk Dr. rer. nat. prófi frá Erlangen-háskóla 1967 og hefur starfað við fjölmarga háskóla síðan, m.a. Rennes-háskóla, Delft tækniháskólann í Amsterdam og Amsterdam-háskóla. Nú er hann prófessor við Wesleyan-háskóla í Connecticut í Bandaríkjunum. Hann hefur leiðbeint 25 doktorsnemendum og birt á annað hundrað greinar.